Core Values
Be the Example: We believe in leading by example. Each of us should embody the values we hold dear, demonstrating the commitment to our work, being true to our word, and actively solving problems.
Wake Up to Win: We encourage a mindset that strives for victory each day. Start each morning with the determination to achieve your goals and create success.
Do the Work: We value the principle of hard work. Success is achieved through dedicated effort, and we expect each team member to roll up their sleeves and put in the necessary work.
Do What You Say: Consistency between words and actions is essential. We expect everyone to honor their commitments and follow through on their promises.
Solve Problems: In the face of challenges, we see opportunities. We encourage creative problem-solving and the ability to find solutions to the obstacles we encounter.
Grow Every Day: We have a commitment to continual growth and self-improvement. Each day is an opportunity to learn, develop, and become better than you were yesterday.
These core values will be at the heart of our company culture, guiding our actions and decisions as we work together to achieve our mission and goals.
Team Expectations
Commitment to Excellence: We expect every member of our team to approach their work with unwavering dedication, honesty, and integrity. We are here to serve our community with the utmost respect, transparency, and a commitment to delivering an exceptional experience.
Passion for Growth: We are committed to achieving our goals of conquering the residential and commercial roofing industry in Houston and beyond, and we expect every team member to share in this passion for growth. Together, we will create wealth within our company and have a lot of fun along the way.
Investment in Success: We are dedicated to investing in our sales team's personal and professional growth. We expect team members to be proactive in their development, attend training events, and show enthusiasm for their own success on a significant scale.
Team Spirit: We encourage a culture of unity and mutual support. The first person out to knock, the one who hypes up the team, consistently meets and exceeds their KPI, and contributes positively to our company culture sets an example for all. We expect each team member to be self-motivated, put in consistent effort, and be actively engaged in team growth.